The Uruguayan American School is a private school, incorporated as a non-profit, tax-exempt Civil Association governed by an assembly composed of active members and guided by a volunteer Board of Governors in accordance with the Bylaws under Uruguayan law which establish the legal framework for the school.

Board members are volunteers and receive no compensation for their service, and the Uruguayan American School Civil Association elects them for a three-year term. Members of the UAS community must request membership and be formally recognized by the Board of Governors to join the UAS Civil Association, m. UAS holds annually, in October, the Ordinary General Assembly for all active Civil Association members. At the assembly, Civil Association members approve the general assembly minutes and the school financial statements from the previous school year, elect Board of Governors members, and receive an update on the state of the school from the Board President and the Director.

UAS Board of Governors’ primary responsibilities are to define the school’s mission, vision, and philosophy, address policy matters, develop long-range plans, and provide sound financial management. The Board of Governors also hires the Director and delegates the day-to-day management of the school to the Director and the Director’s administrative team.

2023 – 2024 Board of Governors

President: María M. Mugnolo

Vice-President: Gary Rockwell

Treasurer: Nikolai Ruttkowski

Vice-Treasurer: Claudia Zaffaroni

Secretary: Cecilia Claure

Vice-Secretary: Nicolás Kovalenko

Members: Samanta Mendes Cantoli, Carolina Gutiérrez and Alejandro Stein